Thursday, July 16, 2015

Unit 7 - Energy

Unit 7 – Energy:
Intro Brainstorming - “What do you know about Energy”
Learning objectives:
Allows student opportunity to think about what they already know and connect to previous classes.

Kinetic/ Gravitational Intro Discussion:
Kinetic: tossing a ball horizontally – “what will hurt more, if I throw faster or slower?”  & “ What will hurt more a racquet ball or bowling ball”
Gravitational:  Dropping ball - “what will hurt more, if I drop higher or lower?”  & “ What will hurt more a racquet ball or bowling ball”
Elastic:  “what will hurt more, small displacement vs large displacement?”  & “What will hurt more …. (different types of springs) ”
Learning Objective:
Allow students to discover that kinetic energy depends on mass and speed
Allow students to discover that gravitational energy depends on mass and change in height.
Allow students to discover that elastic energy depends on “resistance to stretch” and displacement
Lab -  “What is relationship between force and how far it stretches”  :
Students with various springs measure force versus how far it stretches.    Graph force on y axis and displacement on x axis.

Graph is a linear graph with different slopes.  Students discuss the slopes and what it means.  The conclusion is that the slope is the spring constant (resistance to stretch).  The equation is  F=kx. 

Fyi: Brian cut these springs all from same spring (same gage wire, etc).  Laura mentioned that sometimes the springs have a y-intercept.    Make sure you are ready to discuss this or pick springs carefully.

Learning Objective:
Develop hooke’s law equation( F=kx).
Develop understanding for spring constant (k)

Elastic Energy Demo- Take two different springs with different spring constants (based on above) .  In our case, one had a spring constant of 25 N/m and the other one had a spring constant of 12 N/m.
Put two cart on a track.  A different sprint is attached to each and the car is pulled back and released.
 “Will they travel at same speed? “
1)      Same force –  Applied 3N to both car (note : 12N/m stretched further
a.       No,  car with 12N/m spring was faster.
2)      Same distance -  Stretched both spring 30cm.
a.       No, car with  25 N/m spring was faster.
3)      “What else can we look at?”  “ What else have we analyzed on graphs?”   - Area under curve. 
Look at area under each curve and make sure they are equal.  We randomly picked 13cm for 25N/m spring.  Solved for area under curve and then set that equal for 12N/m spring and solved for delta x.   
A= ½ bh = ½ x (F) = ½ x (kx) = ½ kx2  (Note Energy equation:   E = 1/2kx2).  In order to get equal areas the 12 N/m spring was stretched 1.8
a.        Same speed !  13cm for 25N/m spring and 18cm for 12N/m Spring.
Post Demo Discussion:
In order to get same speed, they must have same energy.  Area under the curve was Energy!  Elastic Energy equation was developed. A=E= ½ bh = ½ x (F) = ½ x (kx) = ½ kx2 
Area was looked at graphically.  If we double delta x, we will not have 4 equal triangles, so Energy is quadrupled.  If we triple delta x, 9 equal triangles under curve, so Energy is 9x greater.

Learning Objective:
Develop elastic energy equation
Understand that area under F vs. delta x curve for a spring is Elastic Energy
Begin understand for what happens to energy as you change delta x.

Kinetic and Gravitational Energy Labs:
Prior to labs, repeat intro lab to determine spring constant.
Kinetic energy lab:  Use spring to pull back car and release.   Using spring constant and amount spring pulled back, calculate initial elastic energy.  Then, record time to travel a set distance and calculate velocity.  Repeat by pulling spring back further.  We plotted energy on y and velocity on x.   The best fit curve was a quadratic.  All group determined that E = ____ v2.    Through questioning and unit analysis, students developed kinetic energy equation E = 1/2 m v2.  It was also helpful that the results from our initial discussion were still on board that kinetic energy depends on mass and speed.
Gravitational energy lab: Use spring to pull back car and release.   Using spring constant and amount spring pulled back, calculate initial elastic energy.  Then distance (height) the car travels up the ramp.  Repeat by pulling spring back further.  We plotted energy on y and height on x.   The best fit curve was linear.  All group determined that E = ____ delta y.  Through questioning and unit analysis, students  discovered that the slope had to be a force in Newtons.  Using prior discussion that mass may be a factor, the class concluded the slope represents the weight.   The equation E=mgy  was developed.  

Learning Objectives:
Develop kinetic energy equation
Develop gravitation energy equation

What is Energy Discussion & replacement worksheet Unit 7 3A was completed:
Laura used an analogy between building blocks and energy.   Laura gave away energy, she took energy from someone else, and she put energy (stored) it in her pocket.   There was discussion on perspective (system).    Energy may be gained/  lost from one object’s perspective, but the overall energy is constant.   L O L Energy diagrams were introduced.  Worksheet was completed , followed by a whiteboard discussion.
Learning Objectives:
Help students have a better of energy and conservation of energy
Introduce energy diagrams.

Introduce Work  - Energy Equation
Previously, I have always taught work prior to energy.  After being in the workshop, it makes a lot more sense to introduce it at the end of the unit.  I will definitely make this change next year.
Bryan did a demo with a book asking about if the energy changed.   Students also drew FBD diagrams.  This led nicely into the understanding that force must be in direction of motion for work to be done.  If the force applied does not cause an energy change, then no work was done.
We plotted force vs. delta y for a book that was lifted.  The area under curve was a rectangle.  The equation:   Energy change = F delta y   or Energy change = F delta x    (depending on horizontal or vertical motion)
Complete: Unit 7 Worksheet 3b and Worksheet 4.
Learning Objectives:
Develop work energy equation.
Understand that force must be parallel to motion for work to be done.
Use work energy equation (along with LOL) diagrams to solve problem.

Unit 7 Practicum – Kiss the Egg.

Student groups were each given a spring and and egg  in a cup.  They had to determine the correct amount of mass to apply to the spring to “kiss the egg” without breaking it.  

Unit 6 - Projectile Motion

Unit 6 – Projectile Motion
This unit was very short compared to other units.
Intro – Will Dan Meyer make the basket?  & Golf Ball Demo
Basketball video:  This is an activity was a great intro to show students an application of projectile motion and give students an opportunity to think and work through a projectile motion problem (horizontal and vertical motion).
Golf ball demo:  Addresses preconception that vertical and horizontal motion are independent.  Both ball will hit at same time.
Learning Objectives:
Have students begin to think about projectile motion (horizontal and vertical motion)
Address any preconceptions about a ball dropped and a ball thrown horizontally.  

Projectile Motion- Quantitative Motion Map
First, draw a vertical motion map for a ball thrown horizontally.  Second, draw a horizontal motion map for a ball thrown horizontally (constant speed).   Lastly, draw an overall motion map for projectile motion. 
I really liked this activity.  It was a great depiction of what is happening both horizontally and vertically for projectile motion.
Learning Objectives:
Students understand horizontal and vertical motion are independent. 
Allow student to break down and determine the overall motion of a projectile.

Deployment- Unit 6 Worksheet 2 & 3
Wksht 2 – This worksheet walks students through projectile motion problems by having them complete both motion diagrams and force diagrams prior to completing problems.  This helps them think about an organize the information prior to starting a problem.
Wkst 3 – Consists of more difficult projectile motion projects  (launched at an angle, ramps, etc).
After worksheets: make sure to whiteboard and have a circle discussion.  
Learning objectives:
Use projectile motion model to solve problems

Unit 6 Practicum:
There were 3 scenarios students were able to choose from.  
Scenario #1:  Ball launched horizontally at a constant speed.  Students can use horizontal length of track to determine horizontal speed and then place cup in appropriate location.  Students are not allowed to actually launch marble.  

Scenario #2:  Ball launched from a ramp (vertical and horizontal components)  at a constant speed.  Students can use ramp of track to determine initial speed and then place cup in appropriate location.  Students are not allowed to actually launch marble.  

Scenario #3:  Ball launched from a launcher at and upward angle.  Students are able to launch marble in order to determine initial speed (horizontal and vertical components).    After speed is determined, teacher will adjust angle and height and students can no longer launch marble until after cup is placed.  

Additional challenge (option): replace cup with a buggy traveling horizontally.  Marble must hit buggy.

Note:  I have usually covered projectile motion prior to forces.  I see a real advantage to moving projectile (2D motion) until after forces.  I am planning on discussing this with my colleagues and administration to see if I can implement this change next year. 

Unit 4 & 5 - Forces (Newton's Laws)

Unit 4 /5 Forces:
Pre-test with T/F on different sides of classroom:
Learning objective:
Allows teacher to discover students’ pre-conceptions
Intro Forces Discussion:
Introduces different types of forces, free body diagrams and agent-object notation.
Learning objective:
Introduce FBD and agent-object notation
Introduce that Earth pulls on object (gravity is not a thing J, it’s a phenomenon)
Introduce that surfaces also exert a force ( anchor, bridge , target)  

Bowling Ball Intro Activity:
I loved this activity and I will definitely plan to use it next year in my classroom.  In this activity, students used mallets to cause a bowling ball to 1) speed up, 2) move at a constant speed 3) slowdown 4) Make a 90 degree turn and 5) move in a circle.   We also had races.
Learning Objective:
Provide a connection to Newton’s 1st law.

Post lab:   FBD were drawn for each instance.   This was a great intro to FBD.  Class summarized findings on whiteboards.  Student voted on favorite whiteboards and those were kept at front to revise later (1st law)

Unbalanced Force –Pulley Demon:
Demo used unbalanced forces to show car accelerating.
Learning objective:
Modify wording on 1st law to read “unbalanced” force.

Unit 4 Worksheet 1 (no ramps)
Prior to worksheet, we discussed friction and vectors (meter stick with shadow).  After the worksheet we white boarded our FBD .   I may do this activity as a class with white boards instead of on paper.  
Learning Objective:
More practice with FBD

Weight Activity:
Have students pick their own objects to hang from a “force-o-meter” Record mass of object and force.  Students will plot Force on y axis, mass on x axis.  Slope will be approx. 9.8 (ours was 9.76 J). 
Learning Objectives:
Develop Equation for weight F= 10m or F=9.8m (F=mg)
Introduction to ramps (Finish Unit 4 worksheet 1 – with ramps):
Students made motion map of object sliding on a ramp.  Then students were asked to draw a free body diagram, “remember if an object is accelerating, there must be an unbalanced force”.    After responses were drawn and discussed, a whiteboard with a book was shown on a ramp.  Students  were able to see how indent changed with angle.   
Learning Objectives:
Introduction to Free-body diagrams with ramps. (change axis)

Unit 4 Worksheet 3 (at rest or constant speed – prior to 2nd law) :
Learning Objectives:
Using model to solve problems  - drawing FBD, Solving for weight, breaking forces into components, solving problems on ramps, balancing forces for objects at a constant speed or rest.
Newton 2nd law lab ( Four labs to choose from )
Prior to lab, each student group pushed a cart with a constant force and observe what happens (accelerates… goes faster and faster).
Part 1: What happens when you push a cart (on a frictionless track) with a constant force (graph F vs. a) Force on y, acceleration on x.
Part2:  Different carts (different masses) with same force, what would happen to acceleration?
Each group picked from 1 of 4 labs.
1)      Use force-o-meter to push/pull with a constant force.  Part 1: change force, Part 2: change mass.  Groups used a motion detector.  May be able to calculate using delta x and time.
2)      Use ramp.  Adjust angle and measure force.  Then remove force-o-meter and release.  We set delta x at 2m and recorded time and calculated acceleration.  Could possibly use motion detector.  Part 1: varied angle to vary force.  Part 2: increase mass, angle will need to be adjusted until force is constant.
3)      Use pulley.   Part 1: As mass is added to hanger, remember to decrease mass to car in order to keep mass of system constant.  Part 2: keep mass of hanger constant and add mass to car.  Remember mass of system is total mass.
4)      Use constant acceleration fan cars.  Part 1: vary the batteries to adjust force.  Part 2: vary mass.
Deploy Unit 5 Worksheet :
Introduce Friction – Bowling ball in net & brainstorm experiments:
Bailey walked, then jogged, then ran  (all at a constant speed) with bowling ball while holing a force sensor attached to the bowling ball.  The force was measured and a prediction was made.
Afterwards, the class was asked to brainstorm items that may affect friction. Different experiments were conducted to discover what might affect friction. 
The class predicted mass, speed, pull angle, surface interaction, surface area may all affect the friction force.   A free body diagram was made
At the conclusion, it was decided that speed and surface area did not have an effect.  Surface angle (ramp angle was inconclusive, but might have an effect).  
The class concluded, that the mass and pull angle, which both affect normal force did have an effect.  In addition, surface interaction also had an effect.    The relationship Friction = muFN was developed.
Learning Objectives:
Students have an understanding of what affects frictional force
Develop equation f= uFn

Intro 3rd Law:
Use springs to show that force is same everywhere regardless if you pull, are being pulled or are in the middle.  Use 5N force on one side, If two scales on other side, both read 2.5N.
3rd Law Demo with Logger Pro – I need to see if I have equipment that can duplicate this demo.  Huge emotional response
Two cars on a track (each with force sensor).  Show that forces are equal (opposite in direction) during collision.  Vary situation to address all student misconceptions (mass, ramps, which car hits what, etc).  Make sure all students give ideas and all preconceptions are addressed.  (it’s difficult to set-up so you want to cover it all now).

Learning Objectives:
Address pre-conceptions.
Justify Newton’s 3rd Law.

3rd Law & FBD
Laura led a discussion where she drew FDB for a person standing on the ground and asked if it represented the 3rd law since the Feo and Fgo were equal and opposite.     Students recognized that two free body diagrams were needed since the first only had one object not two.  I realized how agent-object notation really helped address this common pre-conception.
A FBD was also drawn for the earth and students recognized the small acceleration due to the large mass of the earth.   This also addresses a concept that is difficult for student to accept.
Learning objective:
Address common issues- two FBD for 3rd law and that unbalanced force on the earth.

Deploy Unit 4 & Unit 5 Worksheet 4 for both. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Unit 3 - Constant Acceleration

In my summary of unit 3, I am attempting to connect learning objectives/ instructional goals with the activities that were completed for the constant acceleration model.

Unit 3 Intro– Buggy on ramp.
- Used metronome to mark behind buggy in regular intervals.
- Developed x-t (quadratic) & v-t graphs (linear)
- Explored units of coefficients
- Compared data on board (a and vo from x-t and v-t) to developed two kinematic equations
-  Be sure to discuss that t=Δt when displacement.

Learning objectives for Buggy on Ramp lab:
1) Discover x-t and v-t relationships for constant acceleration.
2) Develop first 2 kinematic equations.

Compare Constant Velocity and Constant Acceleration Graph (Area under v-t graph)
Learning objectives for graph comparison:
1) Develop 3rd kinematic equation 

Lab extension with motion sensors
Learning objectives for graph comparison:
1) Explore relationship between various x-t, v-t, and a-t graphs.
2) Address preconception – deceleration is not a term used in physics.
3) Early concept development for direction of motion, direction of acceleration and speed up vs. slow down. (will not be resolved)

Unit 3 Worksheet 2 & 3 (not usually done together)
Learning objectives for worksheets 2 &3:
1) Solidify relationships between x-t, v-t and a-t graphs.
2) Model development – connection between graphs and equations
3) Using data to develop graphs (rather than graphs to data)
Introduce instantaneous velocity (worksheet 3)

Note: Number 2 on worksheet 3 could be done separately as a whiteboard group activity/ discussion (this problem addresses some preconceptions/ common errors)

Ramp and Roll Computer Simulation (note: did not work with my school laptop… would need IT help)

In this activity, we were given graphs (handout – not in binder). We needed to adjust the pillar heights for the ramp in order to generate the x-t, v-t and a-t curves on the handout.

Learning objectives for worksheets ramp and roll
1) High cognitive demand activity that requires student analyze motion that is represented by x-t, v-t and a-t graphs.

Stacks of Kinematic Curves
It may be possible to complete this worksheet as group whiteboards instead of worksheet (add motion map and or picture ?).
Learning objectives for worksheets ramp and roll
1) Solidify relationship x-t, v-t and a-t graphs.
2) Explore more difficult x-t, v-t and a-t graphs (change in motion)
3) Exploring x-t and a-t when given v-t
4) Another opportunity to discuss direction of motion, direction of acceleration and speed up vs. slow down.

Ball Drop Lab
Part 1: Drop Ball – generate x-t, v-t and a-t graphs
Part 2: Toss up – generate x-t, v-t and a-t graphs

1) Each group used different collection methods. This was interesting.
2) Our group had issues with collection software (vernier motion detectors and software). This was a good experience as how to handle this in a classroom setting. (split up group to join others)
3) Other groups used vernier (Logger pro and were successful). One group used a Vernier app and one group used slow motion camera from an I phone (each pic is 1/10th of a second) – they taped a meter stick to wall and zoomed in. I would like to try these techniques 
4) I was in an “outer circle” taking notes about facilitator in this discussion. I may have missed some key pieces of the discussion. There was some discussion on reference points (0meter) and direction of + vs – that accounted for changes in x-t graphs. Data limitations (does it make sense?)
5) At the end conclusion was acceleration of free fall was -10 …. ish.
6) We were reminded that ideas can be planted in small group discussion to bring to large groups in order to “steer the bus”

Learning objectives for Ball Drop Lab
1) Reinforce relationship x-t, v-t and a-t graphs & equations.
2) Similarity in data between groups with hopes to arrive at a= -10.

Unit 3 Worksheet 4
I wrote a separate blog about this activity. This was my first ah ha moment in modeling. As Laura stated day 1 (be patient)… I finally saw the benefit of modeling. I realized how all multiple representations (graphs, equations) can be used to solve problems.

Learning objectives for worksheet 4
1) Connect graphs to equations and vice versa.
2) Multiple methods arrive at same answer :)

Quantitative Motion Map for a Tossed Ball
The class had been struggling with motion maps. We plotted ONLY the dot first. Once an agreement was made on the dots, velocity arrows were added.
During discussion v-t and a-t graphs were made.

Learning objectives for Motion Map
1) Clear up confusion of motion map (which dots get arrows, how long should arrows be at various dots, etc.) At each dot, the instantaneous velocity at that moment should be represented.
2) Reinforce relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration in free fall. (reinforce -10m/s/s)

Unit 3 Practicum
I love idea of using practicum at end of unit ! They tie the model together to solve realistic problems in a super fun way!
We used same groups as previous. (Group that was successful last time received Scenario 3 – two accelerating objects)

Scenario #1: Constant velocity car in motion. When it passes accelerating car, the car is released and needs to “catch up to “ constant velocity car at exact location of post-it note.

Scenario #2: Ball on ramp, and constant velocity car moving at right angle to ramp. Ball is released from an undermined height. It must hit car as it passes. Height is given after calculations are done. The group has to determine starting position of car after height is given. No more runs can be made from ball after height it given.

Scenario #3: Same scenario as #2 except car has constant acceleration (fan car instead of buggy).

Our group had scenario #1. We found the constant velocity (buggy 1= 0.5m/s) and constant acceleration (buggy 2 = 0.26m/s/s)
It was interesting because ½ of the group solved the problem using equations. We set both the constant velocity (Δx=vt) and constant acceleration (Δx=1/2at^2+vt) and solved for t= 3.84s. Then Δx=1.92m ( I solved it slightly different making solving for t from constant velocity (t=Δx/v= Δx/0.5 t= 2Δx (when v= 0.5) equation and substituting it into constant acceleration and solving for Δx. I also had 1.92m.
The other half of the group graphed the x-t graph for both cars and found intersection point to be at 1.9m and 3.8 seconds!
We placed our post it note 1.9m from point of release and were successful.

Model Summary and development of 4th kinematic equation.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Aha Moments

As I am getting more and more familiar with modeling, I am starting to see how I might be able to implement modeling my classroom.  Don't get me wrong... I'm still scared and uneasy about it.   But, as I have learned, being uncomfortable is good.  It will contribute to my learning and my growth as a teacher!

There have been two specific aha moments in this workshop where I have seen that modeling will significantly benefit my student's concept understanding.

Aha Moment #1
It has not been a secret that I was the teacher who gave equations and had my students "plug and chug,"  Of course, I "told" my students where the equations come from, why they work... yada... yada.  I thought I was doing a good job and my students were successful.  There performance on tests was validation that I was doing my job.

However, this workshop has convinced me that maybe my students did not fully understand physics (even though they were successful at solving problems).   BUT, I was still struggling with "when are student going to practice solving problems".   Laura told me to be patient and I would see.  I was trying to be patient :-).  I was thinking that my students (in honors physics) would need much more equation practice than what I was seeing in the workshop (after all we have barely touched the equations).

My Aha moment came with Unit 3 Worksheet 4.

It was very clear to me with this worksheet how the model really comes together and provides students with multiple methods to solve  problems.   I realized that the lack of "plug and chug" practice would not an issue because they now had such a deeper understanding of the concepts and many methods.  I will need to follow this worksheet with some more multi-step honors physics problems, but I can now clearly see how the model works and my worries over lack of equation practice is no longer a concern. My students will have a deeper and clearer understanding using modeling over only "plug and chug" equations.  I now see the benefit in delaying equation introduction.

Aha Moment #2
Today we developed Free- Body - Diagrams (FBD).  Contrary to modeling (concept before vocabulary), I have always taught vocabulary first.   I have introduced the term "normal force" and "applied force" before my students understood them.  I have found that my students put an "applied force" everywhere on their free body diagrams!  Whenever they could not explain something, they just added an applied force.  I would ask them what's causing the force and they would say ... "it's applied."

I believe I made two critical teaching mistakes. Concept before vocabulary and Agent- Object notation will resolve my issue with applied force on a free body diagram.    In fact, I will never again
label an applied force on a free body diagram!

It's going to be hard to change my notation.  I repeatedly labeled a normal force today.  I expect I will need to continue to  correct my notation next year.  Though as I stated earlier, things that are hard are essential for growth.   I can do it!  The benefit of Agent- Object Notation is clear.

Unit 2- Constant Velocity

O.k.   Here's is my attempt to summarize what we explored in Unit 2.  I am including what "my" learning targets for these activities are (not in format of I Can statements yet).  In addition, I am including some "key notes" from my messy notebook.  There were also some questions that our facilitators made that I felt were noteworthy because they were instrumental in moving the conversation along.

Buggy Lab
Learning Targets

  1. Differentiate between position, distance and displacement
  2. Introduction to Position- Time Graphs 
  3. Recognize velocity is slope of position -time graph (note: do not define velocity yet) 
    • Writing for every statements
    • Explore both positive and negative slopes 
  4. Recognize y-intercept is starting position
  5. Develop constant velocity equation (x= vt +xo) 

Lab Summary:
Pre- Lab Notes: Ask class to come up with definitions for position, distance and displacement (walking demo).

Part 1- Buggy lab (positive direction starting at zero)

Part 2- Each group had a different part 2. Note: To reduce speed of buggy, replace one battery with tin foil. ;-)  Here are some examples.

  1. Slower car starting at 100cm (same direction) 
  2. Same car with different starting point (behind reference line) traveling same (positive) direction 
  3. Slower car starting at reference line
  4. Same car starting at reference line but traveling in negative direction
  5. Slower car starting at 600cm traveling in opposite (negative direction) 

White board

  1. Prediction 
  2. Data table
  3. Each group to plot data on same graph. 
  4. For each part, groups were asked to find equation and the "for every" statement. 
Part 1 Discussion:
  1. What do we notice? 
  2. Whose car would win a race and how do you notice
  3. Discussion on 5% rule
Part 2 Discussion:

  1. What do we notice
  2. Who changed starting position, what do we notice?
    • Can you determine starting position from the equation? 
  3. What about lines going other way?
    • How do we see car turning the other way in the equation? 
  4. Who had different "for every" statements?  How where they different?  Why are they different?  

The discuss was followed with some "teacher guided" notes.  Let's summarize what we have learned.  The teacher asked all the questions in order to develop the equation.  As the teacher, I may need to suggest subscripts.

Post Lab Assignments/ Activities:

Unit 2 Worksheet 1.  Work in lab groups.  Next day discuss answers with a new group.   Each group whiteboards a problem.

Unit 2 Worksheet 1: Learning Targets:
  1. Understanding of position- time graphs
    • intercepts, slopes (magnitude and direction)
  2. Address misconceptions
    • Question 1c & Question 1d 
During whiteboard discussion, I noticed some key questions/ comments:

  1. Do we have a reference point at on this graph?
  2. Who in the class could walk this?  VERY HELPFUL
  3. How do we know who is going faster. 
  4. Why is the speed not the same?
  5. We will come back to this  (this will reassure any student who is still confused)
  6. Did they collide? 
  7. Did you feel your speed change at any point in the walk? 

I liked how a different group worked together to whiteboard assignment.  It allowed for collaboration with more students.

As a teacher continually remind students that we love "wrong answers" are learning opportunities, the challenge right answers, they come from our experiences.

A key phrase that stuck with me during this activity was ABC CBV (activity before concept, concept before vocabulary or equation) - Apply reflect generalize

Unit 2 Worksheet 2 (page 1) :Drawing velocity time graphs.  This assignment was done in a circle in small groups.  Each drew a velocity time graph of the situation the teacher described.

I love this idea! I have done this worksheet in the past.  I loved doing it as a whiteboard assignment.  because it addressed as they came up rather than waiting until the end.

After the first graph, we added a position time graph which was helpful.

Unit 2 Worksheet 2 page 1 Learning Objectives:

  1. Introduce V-T graph (better understanding of what  they are and what they tell us)
  2. Reinforce relationship between position time and velocity time graphs. 
  3. Velocity time graph does not tell us position. 

If it doesn't come up in the circle, facilitator could ask: " Is there another possible line you can draw on your position time graph that would give you the same v-t graph?
" What does velocity time graph Not tell us?"

Unit 2 Worksheet 2 (page 2): Could be homework after page 1.

Unit 2 Worksheet 2 page 2 Learning Targets:
  1. Connection between  V-T graph & P-T (slope and area)
  2. Area under V-T is displacement.  ( LOVE introducing this here). 
Make sure to discuss that from a V-T graph, We can get displacement, but still do not know position.

Unit 2 Worksheet 3. Roller Skating Robin:
This activity was an "eye opener" for me.  I have always taught problems 3 d & e rather than let students try to figure them out on their own.  I am starting to realize the benefit of this struggle.  I am now regretting all the times I have taken this struggle away from my students!

Unit 2 Worksheet 3 Learning Targets:
  1. Start exploring how to solve problems using multiple representations ( equations/ graphs) 
  2. Introduce motion that may change  (#3) and how to address these questions.
  3. How to solve problems involving average speed and average velocity ( 3d and 3e).  (multiple methods, equations, averages for each interval, etc).
Noteworthy facilitator comments: 
  1. During #3 there was some questions if we should draw a straight line or curve between 4-6.  Since we don't know what's in between.  " Let's pick something as stick with it".  "It sounds like a lot of you had that it stopped, do you just want to go with that?"
  2. Also, discussed 3 d & e on a separate day.  I think that break would be good.  If you just add it on to the end, students might "check out" when you discuss.
  3. "Could this definition work"  ( when discussing average velocity = displacement/ time and speed = distance/ time.)  Note:speed was purposefully not defined as distance/ time until this moment. 
  4. "Pick another worksheet graph and try both methods,  Does it work?"
Motion Map 
 Situation 1: constant speed
 Situation 2: At rest
 Situation 3: At rest then travels at constant velocity

Learning Targets:
  1. Introduce motion maps (instance in time, velocity vectors ). 

End of Unit Practicum:...  I love to concept of practicum at end of unit :-)
Worked in larger groups.  Groups can only run 1 car at a time.
1) Slower car & faster car are 4 meters apart traveling in opposite directions.  They are released at same time.  Where should camera (post -it) be placed to capture collision?  (collision must occur on post it)
2) Slower car is 2 meters ahead of faster car traveling in same direction.  They are released at same time.  Where should camera (post -it) be placed to capture collision?  (collision must occur on post it)
3) Camera is fixed at a 90 degree intersection.  Each car is 2 m from intersection.  How should cars be released in order for collision to occur on fixed posit.  Note: modify this so more calculations are needed (i.e. maybe do no give distance of faster car until calculations are done).
Model Is Developed! 
Students can summarize (write what they know about Constant Velocity in back of notebook).
Students will discuss what they know.

  1. Position - Time Graphs (slope is velocity) 
  2. Velocity - Time Graphs ( area is displacement) 
  3. Motion maps
  4. Constant velocity equation
  5. For Every statements (linear) 
  6. Position, Distance, Displacement
  7. Speed, Velocity, average speed, average velocity 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Intro Notes

I have decided to use this blog to summarize my "teacher notes" and key points I want to remember from the workshop... yes, my notebook is kinda messy right now.

As I have stated in my last post, I am struggling to "be less clear" or "be less helpful".  I am hoping to find a way to "be less helpful" and still have the students recognize that they are learning.

My district requires learning targets (I can statements) posted on the board.  Although I am planning to keep the learning targets somewhat vague (as to not give away a relationship,etc).  I am hopeful that these learning targets will help the students see what they are learning or maybe where they still need more help.   At the end of an activity or unit, I plan to revisit targets (again letting them tell me the relationship).  I am hoping this will help give a little focus to my students/ classes  to help evaluate what has been learned or maybe help us discover that we need to explore a concept further.

I am not certain the facilitators of this workshop will agree with this approach.  I am curious to see what they think on the subject and hear their responses.  I may change my mind again before this workshop is up.  As a matter of fact, my brain has been on overload lately as I have tried to figure out how I will implement what I am learning.  For the time being, this is one way I see implementing what I am learning in my modeling workshop with what I already know about my existing teaching style.

So here is my attempt to put learning goals (not formalized into I can statements yet) to what we have done so far.  Please note that these are my "teacher objectives".  This is what I hope my students to discover from a teacher perspective.   I would definitely carefully rephrase some of  these as to not "give anything away."  Lastly, I may even exclude some of these from the board all together.

Intro Labs: 

Dowel Lab Learning Targets:
  1. Introduce Lab format
    • Working in groups
    • Get familiar with equipment
      • meter sticks, balance
      • computers & excel – data tables, equation – no r value yet!
      • OR Graphing Calculator – Stat – Edit (L1, L2) Stat –Calc- linReg (ax+b)  
    • Students becoming independent to set- up and determine procedure
    • Learn how to report out and share ideas
      • Notebook write up
      • Whiteboard and Circle sharin
        1. No Negativity  i.e. “your board is wrong” 
        2. No backs to anyone
        3.  Listen to others before you comment
        4.  Wrong answers are the BEST because they challenge our opinions & beliefs
  2. Discuss units of slope
  3. Equation writing (in excel and what does it tell us)
    • Writing "for every" statements for linear relationships
    • y – intercept (remember that it is not “y” but really means something physical.  For this lab it is height intercept J Or facilitator called it vertical intercep
  4. Teach 5 % rule for linear relationships. 

Lab- O- Rama Learning Targets:

  1. All Objectives from Dowel Lab 
  2. Using r value and reasoning (does it make sense) to determine
    • Linear 
      • Proportional and inversely proportional relationship
      • Doubles/ triples? 
    • Quadratic (Polynomial in excel) 
    • Exponential (Power in excel)
    • No relationship (pendulum lab) 
    • Very important to articulate and include reasoning (does it make sense) 
Note: This is where I first noticed that when class did not agree, the facilitator said "ok stick with your data, let's move along".  If it is important enough I will have to find a way to revisit the topic.  For this lab, the goal might just be to recognize that not everything is linear and to get my students thinking.  It is not important that they all fully agree.  It's more important that they are thinking and questioning. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Can I do this?

I have just completed Day 3 of a Physics Modeling Workshop.  I can honestly say I love what I am learning.  The discussions, research, experiences shared have convinced me that this is what I need to do.  I could spend this entire time discussing why I should. So, what's the problem?

.......... I honestly don't know if I can do this!   I want to!  But, it could be a BIG mess!

I am worried about so, so, so many things.....

- Can I honestly resist the urge to "tell" my class how to do something or stop myself from validating an answer during discussion?

- Will I be able create and sustain discourse in my classroom?  Can I find the right questions (or enough)?

- Will I be comfortable with this classroom environment/ classroom management?

- Will my administration  be comfortable with my classroom environment/ classroom management?       .....And, will it negatively affect my evaluations?

- Will I be able to "control" behaviors?  Obviously, not in the manner I have done in the past.

-  Will my students (and parents)  recognize  the value in this process?

-  How can I set up my class so students are aware of what they are learning?  I can obviously say that I thrive on positive feedback and am very fearful of the statement "Mrs. Hartley doesn't teach us anything."

- How will I get through the pacing?  My district has set pacing guide with defined unit tests (Benchmark tests).

- Will the district assessments align with this new approach?

This list continues on ( and on and on).  With all that.....

I'm going to try anyway!  

In just 3 days I have decided that it is the right thing to do for my students (even if they may not initially recognize it).  After all, that's why I became a teacher! :-)    

Wish me luck.   I have lots more to learn and hopefully by day 15, I will figure out some of these and others may take trial and error.  I expect it will take years to master.... I'm in for the long haul!