Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Can I do this?

I have just completed Day 3 of a Physics Modeling Workshop.  I can honestly say I love what I am learning.  The discussions, research, experiences shared have convinced me that this is what I need to do.  I could spend this entire time discussing why I should. So, what's the problem?

.......... I honestly don't know if I can do this!   I want to!  But, it could be a BIG mess!

I am worried about so, so, so many things.....

- Can I honestly resist the urge to "tell" my class how to do something or stop myself from validating an answer during discussion?

- Will I be able create and sustain discourse in my classroom?  Can I find the right questions (or enough)?

- Will I be comfortable with this classroom environment/ classroom management?

- Will my administration  be comfortable with my classroom environment/ classroom management?       .....And, will it negatively affect my evaluations?

- Will I be able to "control" behaviors?  Obviously, not in the manner I have done in the past.

-  Will my students (and parents)  recognize  the value in this process?

-  How can I set up my class so students are aware of what they are learning?  I can obviously say that I thrive on positive feedback and am very fearful of the statement "Mrs. Hartley doesn't teach us anything."

- How will I get through the pacing?  My district has set pacing guide with defined unit tests (Benchmark tests).

- Will the district assessments align with this new approach?

This list continues on ( and on and on).  With all that.....

I'm going to try anyway!  

In just 3 days I have decided that it is the right thing to do for my students (even if they may not initially recognize it).  After all, that's why I became a teacher! :-)    

Wish me luck.   I have lots more to learn and hopefully by day 15, I will figure out some of these and others may take trial and error.  I expect it will take years to master.... I'm in for the long haul!


  1. You have 20-some people in that workshop classroom who are rooting for your success and are adventuring into this new territory with you!

  2. What Krissi said! Plus we are only on day 3! We get 12 more days to help you feel way better in most of your concerns. There is a very large community of people ready to help. And Laura and I have your back along with a lot of other successful teachers using these methods. Any chance your administrator would come see our workshop? Administrators want students to achieve. It makes them look good or something! Believe me, most administrators who come and see the dedication and passion it takes for a teacher to give up 3 weeks of their summer to attend nerd camp end up seeing the value in it for the students. Relax. Trust the process! You got this!
