Unit 4 /5 Forces:
Pre-test with T/F on
different sides of classroom:
teacher to discover students’ pre-conceptions
Intro Forces Discussion:
Introduces different types of forces, free body diagrams and
agent-object notation.
FBD and agent-object notation
that Earth pulls on object (gravity is not a thing J, it’s a phenomenon)
that surfaces also exert a force ( anchor, bridge , target)
Bowling Ball Intro
I loved this activity and I will definitely plan to use it
next year in my classroom. In this
activity, students used mallets to cause a bowling ball to 1) speed up, 2) move
at a constant speed 3) slowdown 4) Make a 90 degree turn and 5) move in a
circle. We also had races.
Learning Objective:
Provide a
connection to Newton’s 1st law.
Post lab: FBD were
drawn for each instance. This was a great intro to FBD. Class summarized findings on whiteboards. Student voted on favorite whiteboards and
those were kept at front to revise later (1st law)
Unbalanced Force –Pulley
Demo used unbalanced forces to show car accelerating.
Modify wording on 1st law to read “unbalanced”
Unit 4 Worksheet 1
(no ramps)
Prior to worksheet, we discussed friction and vectors (meter
stick with shadow). After the worksheet
we white boarded our FBD . I may do
this activity as a class with white boards instead of on paper.
Learning Objective:
More practice with FBD
Weight Activity:
Have students pick their own objects to hang from a “force-o-meter”
Record mass of object and force.
Students will plot Force on y axis, mass on x axis. Slope will be approx. 9.8 (ours was 9.76 J).
Learning Objectives:
Develop Equation for weight F= 10m or F=9.8m (F=mg)
Introduction to ramps
(Finish Unit 4 worksheet 1 – with ramps):
Students made motion map of object sliding on a ramp. Then students were asked to draw a free body diagram,
“remember if an object is accelerating, there must be an unbalanced force”. After
responses were drawn and discussed, a whiteboard with a book was shown on a
ramp. Students were able to see how indent changed with
Learning Objectives:
Introduction to Free-body diagrams with ramps. (change axis)
Unit 4 Worksheet 3
(at rest or constant speed – prior to 2nd law) :
Learning Objectives:
Using model to solve problems - drawing FBD, Solving for weight, breaking
forces into components, solving problems on ramps, balancing forces for objects
at a constant speed or rest.
Newton 2nd
law lab ( Four labs to choose from )
Prior to lab, each student group pushed a cart with a
constant force and observe what happens (accelerates… goes faster and faster).
Part 1: What happens when you push a cart (on a frictionless
track) with a constant force (graph F vs. a) Force on y, acceleration on x.
Part2: Different
carts (different masses) with same force, what would happen to acceleration?
Each group picked from 1 of 4 labs.
Use force-o-meter to push/pull with a constant
force. Part 1: change force, Part 2:
change mass. Groups used a motion
detector. May be able to calculate using
delta x and time.
Use ramp.
Adjust angle and measure force.
Then remove force-o-meter and release.
We set delta x at 2m and recorded time and calculated acceleration. Could possibly use motion detector. Part 1: varied angle to vary force. Part 2: increase mass, angle will need to be
adjusted until force is constant.
Use pulley.
Part 1: As mass is added to hanger, remember to decrease mass to car in
order to keep mass of system constant.
Part 2: keep mass of hanger constant and add mass to car. Remember mass of system is total mass.
Use constant acceleration fan cars. Part 1: vary the batteries to adjust
force. Part 2: vary mass.
Deploy Unit 5
Worksheet :
Introduce Friction –
Bowling ball in net & brainstorm experiments:
Bailey walked, then jogged, then ran (all at a constant speed) with bowling ball
while holing a force sensor attached to the bowling ball. The force was measured and a prediction was
Afterwards, the class was asked to brainstorm items that may
affect friction. Different experiments were conducted to discover what might
affect friction.
The class predicted mass, speed, pull angle, surface
interaction, surface area may all affect the friction force. A free body diagram was made
At the conclusion, it was decided that speed and surface
area did not have an effect. Surface
angle (ramp angle was inconclusive, but might have an effect).
The class concluded, that the mass and pull angle, which both
affect normal force did have an effect.
In addition, surface interaction also had an effect. The
relationship Friction = muFN was developed.
Students have
an understanding of what affects frictional force
equation f= uFn
Intro 3rd
Use springs to show that force is same everywhere regardless
if you pull, are being pulled or are in the middle. Use 5N force on one side, If two scales on
other side, both read 2.5N.
3rd Law Demo
with Logger Pro – I need to see if I
have equipment that can duplicate this demo.
Huge emotional response
Two cars on a track (each with force sensor). Show that forces are equal (opposite in
direction) during collision. Vary
situation to address all student misconceptions (mass, ramps, which car hits
what, etc). Make sure all students give
ideas and all preconceptions are addressed.
(it’s difficult to set-up so you want to cover it all now).
Newton’s 3rd Law.
3rd Law
Laura led a discussion where she drew FDB for a person
standing on the ground and asked if it represented the 3rd law since
the Feo and Fgo were equal and opposite.
Students recognized that two
free body diagrams were needed since the first only had one object not
two. I realized how agent-object
notation really helped address this common pre-conception.
A FBD was also drawn for the earth and students recognized the
small acceleration due to the large mass of the earth. This also addresses a concept that is
difficult for student to accept.
common issues- two FBD for 3rd law and that unbalanced force on the
Deploy Unit 4 &
Unit 5 Worksheet 4 for both.
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